Hi Salhi,
You can create the customized report in this case by taking the help of ABAPer.
Give the details to the ABAPer about the input required to search for the Vendor/Customer and what the output is required.
Also use the table as below:
Vendor Master
LFB1 ( Vendor Company Code Data)
LFA1 ( Vendor General Data)
Vendor Docs:
BSIK(Vendor Open Item)
BSAK(Vendor Cleared Item)
KNB1 ( Customer Company Code Data)
KNA1 (Customer General Data)
Cutomer Docs:
BSAD(Customer Cleaerd Item)
BSID(Customer Open Item)
All the above data is present in BKPF and BSEG tables
Thanks and regards,
Mohit Gohil