Dear SAP Basis Gurus and SAP ABAP Gurus,
I am executing a report in batch,which is used to create business partners in SAP CRM in parallel processing.
Now in the production system we have 12 application servers with 150 dialogue processor each/20 update 1 processor each/10 update 2 processor each/30 batch processor each.
So total
1800 dialogue processors
240 update 1 processors
120 update 2 processors
360 batch processes
Now i am using 80% of total dialogue processor with 84 batch jobs and 17 dialogue processors per batch job(total 84x17= 1008) in my parallel processing program.
IN other SAP systems like development server and quality server this using the 80% of dialogue processors is working fine and business partners are getting created perfectly in parallel threads, BUT in production whenever i schedule 84 batch jobs with 17 dialogue processor only 8-9 jobs remain active and create business partners, rest of the jobs get finished in 1 second without updating database or creating business partner. When i restart the 84 batch jobs again 8-9 jobs remain active and rest get finished without updating and so on.
I am not at all familiar with the basis settings, Please help/guide me on how to direct my basis team to Triage/fix this issue.
Note: This report is working perfectly in other SAP servers with 80% of dialogue processor but only in production it is behaving like this.
Thanks a ton for your help and best answers will be awarded handsomely with maximum points.