Yes, we do use CUA, but I don't think that has impact on what I am trying to do.
Our situation is:
Users sign into our ECC system using NWBC and are presented with their menu.
In their menu, they have various ECC roles and also roles which are read in via RFC from our SRM system which contain links to the SRM shopping cart.
The users click on the shopping cart menu item in NWBC and the Shopping Cart from the SRM system is displayed. (the ICF service for the shopping cart is displayed in their NWBC session)
Due to having multiple ECC and SRM UAT clients, we need to have separate roles for each SRM client with a different Target System RFC in each.
for example:
ECC300 reads roles from RFC SRM300
ECC310 reads roles from RFC SRM310
I am trying to perform a review of the existing roles in each ECC/SRM system which contain data in the Target System field, to confirm the appropriate roles are created with appropriate Target System values.
Thus, trying to generate a spreadsheet from each system with | Role | Target System |
I am picking up this task without much knowledge of the existing system, so I am attempting to do a little audit of the existing roles. Then I can work out what is needed to be performed.