No, it's not, it's just a runtime object.
What I'm trying to do is this:
I have a WF where a lot of parameters were declared, so, I want to optimeze it as much as I can. I created a Z class to manage this parameters.
It's constructor has only 1 parameter (VBELN), and then it has many simple calculation methods (go to table A, retrieve parameter P1, go to table B and get P2), and this methods has to modify instance variables in order to have a fully described object through the execution of the methods.
I wanted to do this step by step inside the WF, but then, with your help, I realized that I could do that with some Static methods or by using some table, so, I will use static methods and won't try to modify my container reference, instead, I'm using an Import/Export table parameter, in this way, I avoid the use of instance methods.
Hope this is a good explanation.