Dear Friends,
I am calling a MDO Select query in the webpage to generate a tree structure.
Earlier while running this page in SAP MII 15.0, I used oTree.oSelectedContext function to get the path of tree node as /Rowset/Row/0(NodeID).
But when I am running the same page in SAP MII 15.1 , it is saying that the function is undefined.
Can anyone help me on this?
My Code:
var oTree = new sap.ui.commons.Tree("oTree",{ width:"100%", height:"100%", showHeader: true, showHeaderIcons: true, select:function(){ if(oTree.oSelectedNode==""){ oButtonAddKPIAuto.setEnabled(false); oButtonAddKPIManual.setEnabled(false); } else{ oButtonAddKPIAuto.setEnabled(true); oButtonAddKPIManual.setEnabled(true); oField1.setValue(oModelTreeKPI.getProperty(oTree.oSelectedContext+"/@NDE")); } } }); var oTreeNodeTemplate = new sap.ui.commons.TreeNode("oTreeNode"); oTreeNodeTemplate.bindProperty("text", "@NDE"); oTreeNodeTemplate.setExpanded(true); oTree.bindAggregation("nodes", "/Rowset", oTreeNodeTemplate); oTree.setTitle("KPI Heirarchy"); |
I have defined oModelTreeKPI globally.
I am using oModelTreeKPI.getProperty(oTree.oSelectedContext+"/@NDE") function to populate the selected tree node value in the text field (oField1) which also I have defined globally. This function will give the value only when oTree.oSelectedContext function will give the path of the selected tree node.
Shitikantha Nanda