Hi Kritchapon,
Yes, I did. However, io_tech_request_context->get_source_keys( ) has no entry :-(
By the way, the way I have solved this is by changing the service which I have included in the new service. There I have change the ORDERITEMS_GET_ENTITYSET to something similar like this:
... IF it_key_tab[] IS NOT INITIAL. READ TABLE it_key_tab ASSIGNING <lfs_key> WITH KEY name = 'Vbeln'. lv_order_key = <lfs_key>-value. ELSEIF it_filter_select_options IS NOT INITIAL. " get the key from the parent which is the Vbeln of the order by reading it_filter_select_options " this is needed to allow 1:N relations if this entity is used in modelling of external services lv_order_key = ... ENDIF. IF lv_order_key IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. ...
I would like to avoid this kind of code because as a developer how can I know who includes my service with what kind of relation?
Anyway, that's how it is...