in context of paragraph:
" Basic master data model": this is the normal SVT scenario used. Only one slight "difference". Sometimes companies handle registration topics not on PURE_SUB but on LIST_SUB level. But SAP standard can handle this difference
In context of paragraph: "Usage of SAP_EHS_1023_057"
SAP_EHS_1026_001 is not used often (I would assume): Use is only needed if you would like to get "earlier" warnings etc. in comparison to the "general limits"
SO: . Is there a prioritization set if target quanities are maintained at both places?
Yes there is a priorizationlogic used. If spec does have "lower" limit in SAP_EHS_1026_001 in comparison to SAP_EHS_1023_057 then SVT reacts "earlier" based on data.
IN context of paragraph."Beyond REACH As mentioned"
You need a different regulation and the complete SVT set up. Then you can support the business case. " controlled substance monitoring and tracking"
IN context of paragraph :#VT Monitor and visibility This is related to the previous section How far the visibility is possible with SVT monitoring and tracking. Is it at Site/Plant level or Country level consolidation/aggregation is also possible?
Not sure about your question. Any trackingis always done on plant/company level (high level picture). And plants belongs to countries.
Your termn "consolidaiotn/aggregation" might be "misleading". If you use CBRC20 you can use the functionality there to "aggregate" per "plant" without a problem. BUt there is no standard functionality implemented to support "reacts" on plant level. This is done on company level.
BUt may be I misinterpret your topic