Re: Codesigning certificate
You probably have many pbls. On the first screenshot just give it enough time and it will eventually finish finding the Win32 library files. BTW, what you are actually doing with this approach is...
View ArticleRe: Production version
Hello, In your first post you said:1. If the check date of the production version is earlier (say 30.11.2015) than the valid from date of BOM (say 01.01.2016), then will the production version go for...
View ArticleRe: Stock Type Field in ME21N comes wrong
Check if this OSS note was implemented properly or not? If yes and it is still not working, then you should contact SAP support team.
View ArticleRe: Huge data in Table COEP is creating performance issue
Hello All, The issue is fixed now.Resolution:While accessing the data from COEP table, we hardcoded the Controlling area field for one CO area exclusively (after discussing with the user) because the...
View ArticleBuild error for package doesn't exist
Hi,We are seeing error while building the migrated DC (we removed depreacted dependancies), below is the error. Also, below is the image of New DC's dependencies.ERROR: N:\NWDS Install...
View ArticleRe: NWBC roles on Reference User
Hello to everyone who is looking ofr that topic, please check1947910 - Assignment of user menu using reference userThis note describes the neccessary customizing.In addition this feature was enbaled...
View ArticleService Layer / error when creating supplier
Hi, I am developping an application to create customers and suppliers from external data using B1H Service Layer. Creating customer works fine but creation of suppliers failed : { "error" : {...
View ArticleRe: Table which stores quantity consumed for a project material
Hi Sameer, You can check in t-code MB51. Give material list and plant select special stock "Q" and give the posting date from and to. You will get detail list of goods movement done for project...
View ArticleRe: Active Version issue in the Workflow, moving from Dev system to Testing...
Hello, One possibility is that the workflow contains an object (e.g. a Task) that was not transported. Please check. regardsRick
View ArticleRe: Auditing in bo 4.1 table error unable to connect to repository
Hi Jawahar, This is another screen that pops up when creating a shortcut after publishing to repository
View ArticleRe: Crystal CMC / BI Suite Cannot Connect - BUSINESS CRITICAL
Well, here is your root cause right there. it can't open the crystal db.You need to work with your DBA to fix it.
View ArticleRe: Fail to connect DB via DI-API on SAP Business One 9.0 for HANA
I have been trying to find the MSSQL2012 type for nearly two days!! Thanks so much
View ArticleRe: SOAP: Call failed: Failed to get the input stream...
Hi Raghuraman, The handshake takes place but is not finishing. I don't think the problem is something related to the firewall and proxy settings. I'll check it anyway. Thanks.
View ArticleRe: Sending messages from NW BPM to a third party
No mate. SDN has plenty of them. My query was straight forward I think
View ArticleRe: Connection works from Universe Design tool, but not Information Design tool
Hi, Try to create new connection in IDT and see if that will work. Amit
View ArticleConnection refused when executing a job
Hi there,I would like to run a job from management console. But got an error message (pl see below first two pics) which stop me to do that. I checked with the SAP basis and she told me the job server...
View ArticleRe: How to "fix" page size so it does not move
Hi Amit! Ok the problem is that if I have my page size set to Letter and I have it fixed to fit on 1 page tall and 1 page wide. Those are my settings, so the page size would be 8.5" Tall by 11" Wide....
View ArticleRe: Plant Maintenance: How to assign personnel to Multiple work order
Greetings Ruark, Unfortunately, there is no facility to mass change this assignment in the IW* transactions. If you wish to assign to the header partner, then you may do so easily through and LSMW...
View ArticleRe: Nota 2141500 - Falta a implementação do método "CHECK_CTE_ACTIVE". .
Olá, Os passos manuais da nota 1799294 criam este método.Abs,Nyckolas
View ArticleRe: SSM SAP Business Objects Application Server Error Your request...
Minas,If the version pop-up is empty then that is symptomtic of an issue that will come to be a problem for you as you look to use the system.Which Service Pack level did you think you had installed?...
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